Lawrence Kamin’s litigation group frequently defends manufacturers, distributors, and contractors in personal injury and property damage claims.
Representing clients in product liability matters requires focus on the particular lawsuit and an appreciation of how that litigation may affect the client on a broader scale. Controlling all aspects of risk—liability, run-away defense costs in a single case, regulatory scrutiny, product recalls, and reputational trauma—is central to the strategic development of a strong product liability defense.
Lawrence Kamin brings that understanding to our representation of clients in product liability matters. Our attorneys have tried and won cases across the country in daunting jurisdictions and against Plaintiffs seeking damages ranging up to $20 million. We understand that when a child is injured, a manufacturer may need an effective strategy to counter the fear and sympathy that can drive a runaway jury. We work with a client’s management, in-house counsel, insurers, engineers and marketing departments to negotiate with regulatory agencies, create public relations strategies and evaluate possible product changes.
We act as regional defense counsel for various clients and national product liability trial counsel for a major manufacturer of children’s products. Our lawyers have participated as client representatives to the Product Liability Action Council (PLAC), chaired a Defense Research Institute (DRI) products liability specialized litigation group, and regularly speak and present at the DRI’s annual product liability conference.