As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to sweep through the United States, schools are shuttering for the Fall session, employers are extending remote work plans, and the nation’s healthcare system is preparing for an upward trend in positive COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and, sadly, deaths. With the rates at which people have suddenly fallen ill and become incapacitated from…
On August 8, 2020, President Trump took the unusual—and highly controversial—unilateral executive action route to provide limited economic relief to U.S. citizens without the approval of Congress. His actions were in the form of three executive memoranda and one executive order, which are summarized herein.
Real Estate Virtually every venture—whether commercial or personal—involves real estate, and every undertaking requires experienced and imaginative legal representations. This holds true not just for real estate investors and developers planning a new shopping center or office buildings, but to businesses leasing property or families trying to structure real estate holdings into their estate plans. […]